For the period of 2007-2013 ESFA was assigned as the Implementing Body for a new priority “Fostering administrative competences and increasing efficiency of public administration“, The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania was appointed as the new Intermediate Body to oversee this programme. This intervention within the ESF support was its first; also Lithuania allocated the largest share of ESF assistance (18,2 %) for this priority compared to other EU countries. This priority was implemented through 15 measures.
Since this piority “Fostering administrative competences and increasing efficiency of public administration“ is horizontal in its nature, it was, a challenge for our staff to increase their competences and knowledge about activities. This priority financed measures such as, the improvement of the system of public administration institutions, initiatives for the quality of public services, the promotion of public policy reforms, territorial planning and others.
During the progamming period of 2007-2013 Lithuania was using European Social Fund investments to implement four main objectives and priorities:
Priority 1: Quality employment and social inclusion (472,78 mln. Euro). The projects under this priority helped to improve adaptability of workers and enterprises to the needs of the market, to promote employment and participation of people in the labour market, and to enhance social inclusion.
Priority 2: Lifelong learning (264,44 mln. Euro). ESF investmens were allocated to to improve and strengthen institutional lifelong learning system, to improve the quality of lifelong learning services and increase accessibility of lifelong learning.
Priority 3: Strengthening researchers‘abilities (107,52 mln. Euro). The projects under this priority aimed to improve qualifications and competence of scientists, doctoral students and other researchers in vertical and horizontal areas, and promote researchers and students’ internal and international mobility as well as mobility between the public and private sector and to help increase the number of the researchers in Lithuania and decrease their average age.
Priority 4: Fostering administrative competences and increasing efficiency of public administration (176,05 mln. Euro). With these investments projects aimed to improve administration of human resources and strengthen administrative capabilities of the public service; to improve work management, better implement EU policies, to improve structure of public administration; to improve regulation of economic activity, services to public and business.
The Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources‘s vision is to facilitate the development and growth of an adequate and productive labour force which can serve society‘s needs for economic development, employment and knowledge.The Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resource’s vision was to facilitate the development and growth of an productive labour force which could serve society’s needs for economic development, employment and knowledge.
The results from the programme are as follows:
• Implemented more than 2 thousand projects;
• More than 200 thousand unemployed people improved their employment perspectives, more than 120 thousand of them were employed;
• Up to 400 thousand schoolchild, teachers, students, lecturers had participated in various educational programs;
• More than 1,000 jobs for highly qualified researchers and scientists were created;
• More than 44 thousand civil servants and employees from other public administration institutions improved their administrative competences;
• Absorped up to 100 % of ESF 2007-2013 funds.