
Asylum, Migration and Integrated Fund

For the 2014-2020 funding period, over 10,8 mln. Euro has been allocated to Lithuania for the implementation of projects under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). AMIF will promote the efficient management of migration flows and the implementation, strengthening and development of a common Union approach to asylum and immigration. This Fund will contribute to the achievement of four specific objectives:

Asylum – to strengthen and develop the Common European Asylum System by ensuring that EU legislation in this field is efficiently and uniformly applied;

Legal migration and integration – to support legal migration to EU States in line with the labour market needs and to promote the effective integration of non-EU nationals;

Return – to enhance fair and effective return strategies, which contributes to combating irregular migration, with an emphasis on sustainability and effectiveness of the return process;

Solidarity – to make sure that EU States which are most affected by migration and asylum flows can count on solidarity from other EU States.

Concrete actions to be funded through this instrument can include a wide range of initiatives, such as establishement of day care centers, consultations the improvement of accommodation and reception services for asylum seekers, information measures and campaigns in non-EU countries on legal migration channels, education and language training for non-EU nationals, assistance to vulnerable persons belonging to the target groups of AMIF, information exchange and cooperation between EU States and training for staff on relevant topics of AMIF.

Examples of beneficiaries for programmes implemented under AMIF funding can be state and federal authorities, local public bodies, non-governmental organisations, humanitarian organisations, private and public law companies, education and research organisations. Additional funding will be disbursed according to the number of displaced persons from the EU and third countries.