A newly developed fund by the EU and a new arrival to our Agency, the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) gives Member States valuable support in their efforts to help Europe’s most vulnerable people, who have been affected the worst by the on-going economic and social crisis.
Over 86,97 mln. Euro has been allocated to Lithuania for the implementation of FEAD projects during the 2014-2020 period. The Fund is a means intended for reaching the Europe 2020 Strategy goal, whereby the EU is committed to reducing the number of people in or at risk of poverty by at least 20 million.
FEAD‘s support will help people take first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. FEAD will help by addressing the basic needs for the most needy, which is a precondition for them to be able to get a job or attend a training course, such as those supported by the ESF.
FEAD will support Member States’ actions to provide a broad range of non-financial material assistance to the most materially-deprived people.