
Phare ESS 2001 and Phare ESS 2002

Phare Grant schemes 2001 and 2002 were the first programmes administered by the Agency. Despite the relatively small number of projects (total of 74), we faced quite a number of challen¬ges. The administration process for these grants followed the development monitoring procedu¬res, regulations and methodologies, in which beneficiaries had no or very little experience but good uniform practices were developed throughout the process. The beginning was not easy, but it had its own charm: the communication and cooperation with beneficiaries was close and warm, we knew their failures ant troubles and we enjoyed the project success together. The Phare Grant schemes experience helped to develop the monitoring systems for ESF, Equal and other programs.

On August 22, 2002, The Human Resources Development Programmes Support Foundation was established and began its activities. The main task of the Foundation was to organize the imple-mentation of PHARE ESS programmes and to prepare for the administration of ESF projects. One of the first programmes assigned to the ESFA was the Phare 2001 “Vocational Training for Economic and Social Cohesion” programme. The global amount available under this Grant Scheme was 2,35 mln. Euro.

This programme was set up to address the vulnerable or disadvantaged groups in the labo¬ur market (disabled, unemployed, convicts), and other groups, such as, employees of business enterprises, non-profit institutions, teachers and trainers working in training institutions, and when justified, groups of employers.
The Phare 2002 “Promoting Adaptability, Skills & Social Inclusion” programme funded for 2,98 mln. Euro comprised of two grant schemes, namely, “Promoting Adaptability and Skills“ and “Promotion of Social Inclusion”.

The global amount available under the Grant Scheme “Promoting Adaptability and Skills” was 1 mln. Euro. The activities approved to be administered were: on the-job training courses, including traineeships and apprenticeships, job-specific training and provisions for re-qualification, skills development pro-grammes, job-specific training and pilot testing and work organization forms in enterprises.

The eligible applicants included: training service providers (public and private), labour market institutions (public and private), counseling centres (public and private), also regional and lo¬cal administrations and governmental institutions, including Labour Exchanges, Trade Unions, non-governmental organizations involved in the identification of labour market needs and in tackling unemployment through training initiatives public and private enterprises, other orga¬nizations, institutions, as well as associations involved in training activities.

The target groups included: employees in independent SME, employees at the restructuring en-terprises and employees at risk to be dismissed (employees who have already received written dis-missal notices). The global amount available under the Grant Scheme “Promotion of Social Inclu-sion” was 2 mln. Euro. The target groups for this grant were disabled persons, convicted individuals, ex-prisoners, na¬tional and ethnic minorities.

Results of Phare ESS 2001
• 39 contracts were signed for 2,36 mln. Euro;
• Trained 3490  people;
• In 28 institutions the training facilities and infrastructure were upgraded;
• 69 formal and non-formal education and training programmes were prepared or adapted.

Results of Phare ESS 2002
• 35 contracts were signed for 2,98 mln. Euro;
• Employed 225 people from target groups;
• Prepared 164 new training programmes
• Established 1 carrer center for he disabled, 2 social enterprises, vocational and social rehabilitation center;
• Established modern management system in 10 SMEs.